03 2024年5月

分 Falcon Finishes Strong: A Q&A with Graduating Senior De’卡洛斯 Rowell

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(分)在最近的媒体报道中继续闪耀着积极的光芒. 即将毕业的大四学生德卡洛斯·罗威尔(De '卡洛斯 Rowell)的非凡故事,放大了分的坚韧精神和成就精神. Hailing from Washington, DC, 德卡洛斯将获得戏剧文学学士学位, 说明了他作为第一代大学生和佩尔助学金获得者的经历所产生的变革性影响.

“De '卡洛斯 Rowell体现了坚持不懈和成长的精髓,这是分经历的精髓,” said 分 Interim President Dr. 马库斯H. 伯吉斯. “他的故事证明了我们的教职员工对培养学生成功的不懈支持和承诺.”

De’卡洛斯’ path at 分 was not without challenges. 入学之初,他的学术基础并不高:2分.3 GPA and an ACT score of 17. Overcoming personal hardships, including losing his great-grandmother, De’卡洛斯 faced academic setbacks, 降落在地面上 Satisfactory Academic Progress List 平均绩点2分.1. 然而, with the guidance and support of faculty and staff, De’卡洛斯 made a remarkable comeback, finishing strong with a GPA of 3.395 and earning a place on the Dean’s List for the Fall 2023 semester.

毕业后, 德卡洛斯致力于通过今年秋天与威克县公立学校的学生分享他对戏剧的热情来实现这一目标, 激发创造力,激励下一代艺术家和表演者.

Q&A with De’卡洛斯 Rowell:

What was your initial experience at 分 就像, 当你刚进入大学时,你在学业上遇到了什么挑战?

First, I’ve been here since 2019. 所以,当我第一次来的时候,对我来说那是一个艰难的学期. 当我失去曾祖母时,我彻底崩溃了. I didn’t know what I wanted left in life. I didn’t know what to expect after that. 我开始滑倒, 这是, 就像, 100 percent my fault, but I just lost myself when I lost my great-grandmother. That was, 就像, the biggest piece in my life. 所以失去她有点,是的,这很困难,但与此同时,我能够坚持下去.

你能分享一下你在分提高学习成绩的具体步骤或资源吗, 尤其是考虑到第一代和符合佩尔资格的学生面临的独特挑战?

我是第一代大学生,所以感谢上帝. Some of the steps that I did take, I listened to my mentors, talked to my professors late night, 努力学习, got into the books, and just listened to all of my professors, including the chair the chair of my department, Dr. Kaye Celeste Evans, she played a huge role in that. Professor George Jack played a huge role in that. 我参加了很多辅导项目和拓展项目. 最后, I joined a fraternity (Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, 合并), so I have a family for life now.


绝对. 100%. Most of my success goes to faculty and staff. Most importantly, Miss Baker and the registrar. She’s my number one favorite. Ms. Ashley Smith here in Trio. Mr. Malik Johnson was in the president’s office, and Dr. 伯吉斯 was there when he came. 甚至当我想要放弃自己,不想再去的时候, they gave me the passion and drive to say, “嘿, 卡洛斯. 我相信你.” So, since they believed in me and invested in me, 我觉得他们没有因为我要毕业而收回投资.


极大的. The library resources. When the writing center was open, it helped me perfect my writing, become better at what I do, and perfect my craft. 我读过的书强化了我在系里学到的很多东西. 它会让我从一个不同的、更广阔的角度来看待戏剧. Thankfully, I’m grateful to the library. I’m thankful to the Writing Center. 我很感谢食品储藏室,在我没有太多东西要吃的时候, but the Food Pantry was always there.

你能描述一下从被停学或学业进步(SAP)名单到进入院长名单的任何转变经历或时刻吗? 这些经历如何影响你对学业和成功的看法?

绝对. When I first got on SAP, I was at a 2.1平均绩点. 第二学期我修了19个学分,提高了我的GPA. 这并不容易. 这并不容易. I lost a lot of people, last year during this time. I’ve lost over ten people last year. So, yeah, it was tough. 这很有挑战性. First, it messed with my mind and threw me off my game. 我迷路了. I didn’t know what I was going to do. And 就像 I said, it was even a moment on this campus. I was going to take my own life at one point in time. 所以就像现在的我一样,我真的很感激. To be at the GPA I am now, I’m incredibly thankful. Like I said, I just put my head in the books. 我努力集中注意力. I 努力学习, and I listened to my department.

作为一名高中GPA和SAT/ACT成绩较低的学生就读于分, 学校是如何支持你的学术发展并帮助你充分发挥潜能的?

首先也是最重要的, 分 believed in me. I won’t say other schools didn’t, 但是分给了我一个来自华盛顿特区的小孩一个机会, from a family of 5, 单身母亲. I’m not going to lie. 我很情绪化,但分对我的成功起了很大的作用. 没有分,没有每位教职员工的热情和动力, 每一个员工, every friend that I made, every close brother of mine that I have, and every close sister of mine that I have, I’m incredibly grateful to have them in my circle. Without them, there’s there’s no 卡洛斯.

你对其他在学业上有困难、想要提高成绩的学生有什么建议吗, 尤其是那些可能和你一开始面临类似挑战的人?

首先也是最重要的, lock-in. Believe in yourself. The biggest obstacle in your life is yourself. If you get out of your way, lock in on what you have to do, focus on what you have to do, and take your time to perfect your craft, 相信我, there’s nothing you can’t do. 你猜怎么着? 分 will believe in you—the whole step.

您认为南澳大学的教育和支持服务方式与其他院校有何不同, 尤其是它对那些最初可能挣扎的学生的学业成功的影响?

首先也是最重要的, because of these programs, the tutoring programs, the library sessions, and the mentorship they have, 分 takes the time to get hands-on in the classroom. They make sure that you understand what you’re doing. 我系里的教授会确保你知道自己在做什么. Not only do you understand what you’re doing, 但你也可以把它提升到一个完全不同的水平. 正如我所说, 分是那种花时间在学生身上,花时间熬夜的学校, 长时间, 输入分数, 花时间去, um, 回顾信息以确保我们处于最佳状态. And if it weren’t for my professors, if it wasn’t for the resources on campus, 再一次。, 卡洛斯 wouldn’t exist.


正如我所说,我会特别强调这位女士. 林赛·贝克. Ms. Baker has been there in every aspect you can think of. She has been a big sister. She is also the adviser of my on-campus organization. 就像我说的,我和她一起度过了漫长的夜晚,和她聊了很长时间. Many times, I would sit in her office to get a hug. 她让我激发了我内心真正的伟大, 让我激发了同学们的伟大. 我们做到了.

How have you finished your academic time at 分 Strong?

I finished both of those semesters with all A’s. 那段时间,我经历了死亡,精神崩溃. 在这段时间里,除了做一份全职的“食物狮子”工作外,我还承诺要做一名独舞演员. Um, I’m one of the supervisors there. 能够做到这一点,并在所有课程中获得8个A,这是一种巨大的荣誉, and I’m extremely grateful to God, 首先也是最重要的, for allowing me to get to that level of success.


Again, 就像 I said, you have to believe in yourself. 这是你要成功必须做的第一件事. Whenever anyone is in this situation, 像我一样, if you take the time to listen, that’s the first thing I’ve always believed in. If you listen, listening is key. If you listen and take the time to read, 参与, and be involved with the campus, 分 will be involved with you. 所以,只要你为自己投资,学校就会全力支持你.

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